Spring Semester Enrollment

October 9, 2020

To effectively prepare for the spring semester, we will be asking families to reflect on the first quarter and make a decision for each student for the second semester, which begins in January. We realize it may seem early to decide, but it is imperative to allow time for counselors and staff to create new schedules for students and teachers. Please know that consistency for students is a top priority. However, both virtual and traditional students could be impacted by changes in scheduling or teacher assignments.

After fall break, all parents/guardians will receive an electronic form asking them to select either a traditional or virtual learning setting for each of their children’s spring semester. Parents/guardians will need to complete this form by Monday, November 2. If your child has been learning virtually, please consider the following when making your decision:

· Has your student been able to regularly connect to the learning platforms and participate in Zoom sessions?
· Has your student been able to complete and submit the assigned work regularly?
· Has your student been able to master grade-level standards?
· Will a Learning Mentor be able to assist as expected, January-May?

The decision you will be making is a commitment for the entirety of the spring semester. If you would like to read more about virtual learning, please see the link below.

After reviewing the handbook, if you have questions or need additional information about virtual school please contact our main office. Please click here to learn more about the current health and safety guidelines in place for the traditional setting.

As we move into the second quarter, here a few reminders:
· All Students – Attendance Matters! Please turn in or email Angelica Rowe ([email protected]) parent notes or doctor’s notes when your student misses school. The expectations are the same for traditional and virtual students.
· Virtual Students – Teachers will be notified by the district when there are widespread connection issues. Your student is expected to fully participate to be counted present.
· Virtual Students – If your student has an issue with a computer that requires a work order, please complete the work order and drop the computer off at school for repair.

Thank you for your continued support of the students, faculty, and staff of Rossview Middle School.