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I graduated from Austin Peay State University in Health and Physical Education and a minor in French. I have my masters in administration from Tennessee State University. I am married and have two daughters. I have been at Rossview Middle teaching Physical Education since 2001.
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Rossview Middle Physical Education Guidelines Daily Class Materials:  Tennis shoes  Not Allowed: No Sagging Shorts, no short shorts, or tight shorts and no hard sole shoes,(boots) open toed shoes.  Personal Belongings: Ex. Cell phone, purse, billfold, money, books, clothes, jewelry, computers. Anything in possession of student when enters the gym must be placed inside their backpack. For safety reason No Jewelry may be worn during Physical Education class.

Daily Routine: 1. Enter the gym quietly. 2.  Go directly to your roll call seat and sit down.  3. Control your behavior and noise level. 4. Listen for signal to start warm-ups. 5. Listen for daily instructions. 6. You may not go to the restroom with out  permission. Never Leave the Gym or Gym Area Without Teacher Permission.

Discipline Guidelines: Disruptive students have no right to interfere with learning. The following behavior is not acceptable. 1. Not Practicing Safety in the Gym/locker Room. 2. Not Listening. 3. Not following directions. 4. Unsportsmanlike conduct. Any student who behaves in a serious manner (refuses to obey adult authority, is fighting or physically violent) will be sent immediately to the office.

End of Class: Exit out by walking.

Grading System: 20 points a day=100 points for the week will be based on Preparedness, Participation, Sportsmanship, Skills/Knowledge. The grade will be weighted equally on these four categories.

Medicals: Doctors Notes are accepted as written. Parent notes are good for 3 calendar days (per 9 weeks). Dates have to be stated on the note.

Physical Education Department: Rachel Wilson, Samantha Greene, Justin McGettigan, Duane Padgett.

Classroom Books